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Zytenz: Is This Product Safe And Effective?

by MaleEnhancement.org
In the ever expanding universe of male enhancement supplements on the market today we are here to focus in on one call Zytenz. Some key points we discovered are that it is only available for purchase through it official Zytenz website and not through any other online vendors or in retail outlets. Right off the bat we can't help but notice that, even though there is a fair amount of product information listed on the site regarding how Zytenz works and how to purchase it, there is little to no documentation related to the manufacturer, who is behind the brand, how long they have existed or how the product was developed. What is available is a fair amount of information related to recommended dosage, safety issues the company decided were worth listing as well as a significant amount of customer reviews (all from apparently satisfied men and their sexual partners) and a sufficient listing of FAQs.
Overall the dosage information is basic but adequate but the safety notes seem a bit vague and, let's just say, selective. A lot more effort was applied to the purchase area with multiple options including bulk discounts and free gifts. The listed cost of a ninety day supply is $39.95 and offers a money back guarantee. As for the reviews, the lack of negative or even mediocre comments would make any savvy consumer a bit skeptical but the FAQs did cover a wide range of topics.
Zytenz At Work
Zytenz, like any other male enhancement supplement worth its salt, claims to be effective in that its formula causes an increase in blood flow to the blood vessels in the penis beginning with arousal. The end result is a larger, harder erection that has the power to maintain itself over an extended period of time which not only lays the foundation for a longer, more satisfying sexual experience but also alleviates the mental stress, anxiety and embarrassment often associated with erectile dysfunction. Zytenz also claims that, unlike prescription medications for erectile dysfunction, its all natural formula is safe and side effect free and, as a result, can be taken either shortly before a sexual encounter for specified short term needs or on a daily basis to facilitate a more comprehensive regimen designed for sustainable benefits. The recommended dosages for these options call for three capsules within thirty minutes of anticipated sex or the same amount before bed on a daily basis.
Zytenz: The Ingredient List
Zytenz touts its all-natural formula consisting of Niacin, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Zinc, D-Aspartic Acid, Caltrops, Arginine, Catuaba, Eurycoma Longifolia, Mucuna Pruriens, Avena Sativa, Maca and Resveratrol. The highlight of this type of formula is that, based on common knowledge and industry standards, it pretty much eliminates any opportunity for any potential adverse side effects. Oddly, even though the manufacturer's website adequately lists the quantities of each of these ingredients it fails to list the individual benefits of the individual components. Fortunately, the ingredients are relatively common among similar products so those familiar with the general offerings out there can easily compare and contrast it with competitors products.
The key takeaways, as we see them, are Zytenz's focus on elements long recognized for their benefits to men suffering from a diminished ability for perform sexually. Specifically, we are referring to Zinc and Niacin - both important to the process of generating increased blood flow to the penile region. Others include Vitamin B6 which benefits the nervous system and enhances the body's ability to send the necessary signals to affected regions as well as Resveratrol, which acts as a powerful antioxidant - always important in promoting free flowing bodily processes.
Additional ingredients offer a variety of benefits critical to increased sexual performance. Arginine is well known for its ability to increase the production of Nitric Oxide in the bloodstream to help dilate and relax blood vessels to promote greater blood flow. Caltrops acts as a booster for testosterone, a male sex hormone, which helps to increase muscle mass when combined with a recommended regimen of weight training, and other benefits include the promotion of stamina, both sexual and overall, as well as general fertility levels. Still other ingredients such as Maca to enhance energy levels and sexual recovery times, along with Catuaba, Mucuna Pruriens and the D-Aspartic all combine to overcome the losses caused by aging and other factors to increase and enhance the overall ability of the affected male to perform at a high level sexually.
Zytenz: Pros
- An ingredient list containing all natural elements
- No reports of detrimental side effects
- An adequate listing of ingredient amounts
- Customer testimonials to back its claims
- 90-day money back guarantee offered by the manufacturer
- No prescription required to use the product
Zytenz: Cons
- A lack of details related to ingredient benefits
- No data offered to support scientific conclusions
- Insufficient information on the manufacturer
Zytenz: The Final Analysis
Zytenz does offer a number of benefits consistent with similar and well established male enhancement supplements found elsewhere on the market today. A plus is that the clearly stated and all natural ingredient list makes this formula safe to take either daily or as needed. That said, it is difficult to recommend a product that does not provide ample and verifiable information regarding the details and history of its manufacturer such as where in the world they are based, how long they have been in the business of producing supplements or even how they arrived at the formula they want you to spend your hard earned money on.
As to the company's claims that it is the #1 brand of male enhancement supplements, there are no citations of independent rankings, studies or data of any kind to support these claims. All they offer are testimonials that, as mentioned at the top of this article, are, to say the least, one sided.
Once again, in an ever expanding universe of similar products for men facing the inevitable effects of aging and with the quest to find the best available product seemingly ever more daunting, we recommend that serious users of male enhancement supplement look elsewhere.
Let's be clear, if you are suffering from an inability to perform sexually the way you once did or perhaps you are looking for a product to help you perform in ways you never did then there are certainly products out there that are far more likely to help you achieve those results than Zytenz.
To find male enhancement supplements with a proven track record of meeting and exceeding their claims regarding increased function, sexual arousal, stamina and overall desire levels we suggest you start by clicking here.
How Does Zytenz Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.