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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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EstroBlaster Male Enhancement Pills Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
EstroBlaster is manufactured by Chesapeake Nutraceuticals, based in Maryland. EstroBlaster takes a different approach as far as sexual issues are concerned. EstroBlaster addresses the issues of testosterone levels and estrogen levels in men. The normal aging process usually decreases the amount of testosterone in men which contributes to erectile dysfunction. The hormone estrogen is in our food supply, the air, in the water so an imbalance occurs, which Chesapeake calls estrogen dominance. EstroBlaster was developed to increase the level of testosterone in the system which improves sexual performance. Chesapeake claims that EstroBlaster not only increase the sexual drive, it also increases the energy level and helps improve the health of other organs. It's even good for the prostate.
EstroBlaster in Depth
EstroBlaster advertising campaign is designed to bring awareness to the fact that men's testosterone level declines with age and the estrogen that is found in our environment is producing some of the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. EstroBlaster contain ingredients to increase the production of testosterone. Other ingredients in EstroBlaster may help balance the estrogen, but that is still questionable. Milk Thistle has been proven to improve the function of the liver and Tribulus does relax the muscles in the genital area, so more blood can reach the penis, which can produce firmer erection. EstroBlaster contains estrogen-balancing vitamins and cleansing herbs, which improve the immune system. As far as enhancing sexual performance the verdict is still out. Some important ingredients are missing from the EstroBlaster formula.
EstroBlaster Ingredients
- Diindolylmethane (Dim)
- Curcumins (Turmeric Oil Extract)
- Calcium G-glucarate
- Tribulus Extract
- Milk Thistle Extract
EstroBlaster Side Effects
No side effects have been reported.
Does EstroBlaster Work?
Most of the reviews say EstroBlaster had no effect on sexual performance. Some reviewers said they felt better, but did not experience better sex after taking EstroBlaster. Most of the reviewers wanted to improve sexual performance and didn't understand what estrogen had to do with that. They did relate to testosterone, but the estrogen theory didn't make much sense to them as far as penis size. There are other products available that have been proven to improve sexual performance by producing firmer erections and more stamina. One of them is Xytomax. Xytomax has had great reviews, and 95% of the men who have used it have gotten positive results. Xytomax boosts testosterone levels, increases stamina, enhances erectile size and prevents premature ejaculation. EstroBlaster may improve general health but as far as a proven sexual performance enhancer it leaves much to be desired. Xytomax has been approved by doctors and continues to receive accolades from men for its ability to improve sexual performance.
How Does EstroBlaster Compare?
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