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X4 Labs Penis Extender: Is It Safe? Does It Work?

by MaleEnhancement.org
The time has come. You've decided that life is; forgive the pun, too short to walk around in this life feeling like less of a man than you should be. You've tried for years to get past the fact that you member is just not as big as it should be. You've been in plenty of locker rooms and watched plenty of movies and seen plenty of pictures of men who swagger through life with the knowledge that their penis is every bit as big as it should be. Even more frustrating is when you are with a mate and you know that when you reach an erection that it will not be the kind that makes your mate's eye open wide with pleasure and anticipation. Well, my friends, you are not alone.

Maybe you know that and maybe you don't. What matters is that this is problem for millions of men all around this world and the fact of the matter is that, because there are so many men that suffer from this condition, there are hundreds of companies and thousands of products available on the market today designed, in one form or another, to deal with it. And, some of them are designed to help with other problems such as Peyronie's disease which is also known as curvature of the penis. So, with all of that in mind, we have decided to look at some of the remedies for these ailments and one in particular - it's called the X4 Labs Penis Extender.
What exactly is the X4 Labs Penis Extender? The simple answer is that it's a piece of therapeutic hardware, a device, if you will, that was specifically designed to stretch the tissue that makes up the penis using the medical technique known as traction. You know this technique because it's been used by medical professionals all around the world to stretch tendons, ligaments and other tissues to help patients recover from injuries and surgeries. Perhaps you've heard of how it has been used to stretch one leg that might be shorter than another in order to make the two legs even. This technique is even used in primitive cultures to shape body parts to fit cultural norms such as when women slowly stretch their necks by piling ring after ring around their necks to elongate it or when some tribes slip larger and larger round plates inside the lower lip area for the same cultural desires to meet certain standards of beauty or masculinity.
Whatever the reason for doing it, the technique of traction was famously made popular by the Danish surgeon Dr. Jorn Ege Siana. His pioneering work is what led to a market for traction based penis enlargers of which there are many on the market today. So, with all that in mind, let's take a closer look at how the X4 Labs Penis Extender stacks up against its competition both directly and indirectly.
Research And Clinical Studies
Although the manufacturer of the X4 Labs Penis Extender refers to clinical studies that support its many and varied claims they do not offer any direct link to these studies through their official website. However, it should be noted that there are a number of studies that offer quantifiable support for the traction technique as applied to the stretching of an undersized penis and the straightening of curved ones.
What we do know about the X4 Labs Penis Extender is that is claims to employ some innovative and even revolutionary features that promise results utilizing a safe and relatively pain free traction device model. These features include things like mini quad support, a wide girth base and a tri-spring set which are designed to offer enlarging and straightening options in a variety of device configurations.
User Reviews
Because products like the X4 Labs Penis Extender are largely produced by companies who offer their products strictly through the internet it is often difficult to fully verify many of the sometimes incredible claims these companies make. That being the case, our preferred method of verifying the often unverifiable is to delve deeply into the one message that the companies cannot control - User Reviews.
Yes, a company will almost always offer hand selected user reviews and place them on their website but everyone who has any experience with shopping for items online knows that these 'official' user reviews should not have too much weight applied to them. That's why we go looking for as many credible sources of independent user reviews as we can.
After an extensive search of such independent reviews what we found was that the vast majority of these independent reviews were largely negative. Apparently, most of these negative reviews were not based around a comparison to other similar devices but more broadly around the fact that they just found the use of a traction device for their penis cumbersome and uncomfortable. And if you take into account the fact that, in the case of the X4 Labs Penis Extender, the recommendation is that the user wear it for periods of up to two straight hours and a total of eight hours daily, one can see why reviews such as this would be plentiful.
- Based on the therapeutic technique known as traction
- Claims to be the #1 selling item of its kind
- Adjustable design works to both enlarge and straighten the penis
- Independent user reviews are mostly unfavorable
- Poses a danger of injuries if applied improperly
- Cumbersome and uncomfortable even during normal use
Final Word
If, in fact the time has come for you to end the day in and day out frustration of having a penis that is not up to par then, yes, by all means, you should seek out a solution for this problem and finally give yourself the gift of have the manhood you desire and deserve. And for those who are ready to take that leap the question you must ask yourself is this - What solution is right for me. Is it a penis extender system like the X4 labs model or is it surgery? Perhaps the answer for you lies somewhere in the male supplement department of male enhancement remedies. Only you can decide and only you can do the research that will make you comfortable with whatever decision you make. That said, let's try to sum up what the X4 Labs Penis Extender can do for you and see if this is a worthy contender or even a finalist in the possible solutions that could be right for you.
Given the fact that traction devices for the penis have been around for a long time and have proven to have a number of positives and a number of negatives it gets harder every day for reviewers to determine what is true or false when it comes to the claims manufacturers of these devices make. Still, based on the large pool of independent user reviews that we could find, it is quite clear that the majority of users were not satisfied with the results for the cumbersome, uncomfortable and time consuming aspects of using the X4 Labs Penis Extender. And, as we talked about, it did not seem so much an indictment against this particular product as much of a general dissatisfaction with penis extender devices as a whole.
In the end, there are multiple ways in which you can achieve the kind of penis that you have always wanted. But, if surgery is out of the question and cumbersome and uncomfortable steel and Velcro devices seem to be a bridge too far then it is highly likely that your best bet is to explore that world of male enhancement supplements. This category of supplements, like every other method of penis enlargement have a large number of pretenders among them who offer incredible claims and slick advertising campaigns but the simple fact is that there are some select formulas and brands that are well recognized for achieving great results at reasonable prices and with little or no effort.
For more information about the highest rated male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
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