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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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by MaleEnhancement.org
Provigro is supposed to enhance the function of your blood vessels, tissues and cells and promote better health in regards to your sex life. When your sexual health is at peak capacity your blood flows more freely to your penis and erectile chambers giving you a harder erection.
Taking Provigro can augment the time you experience an erection and bolster your confidence in the bedroom once you realize your new sexual prowess. It also helps your brain to activate the electrical impulses that signal more blood flow to your penis area, which starts the process of an erection.
The smallest amount you can buy on www.provigro.com/#order is a package of 24 for $47. At the recommended dosage of two capsules per day, this is a 12 day supply.
Provigro the most restrictive return policy we have ever seen www.provigro.com/#terms.
Provigro Ingredients
The ingredients that make Provigro work are said to correct your sexual functioning by supplying the needed nutrients, which increase testosterone and support your sexual processes in the body and brain to stimulate erections.
They include:
Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia): This increases the output of testosterone, which can help revitalize your sex life and perhaps, cure erectile dysfunction in some men.
Barrenwort: Also known as Yin Yang Hua, it has beneficial effects on energy levels and sex drive. It can also increase the amount of testosterone your body generates if it is below the normal production.
Maca: Maca assists in the conversion of L-Arginine into Nitric Oxide for increased rigidity and blood flow.
L-Arginine: Enzymes make Nitric Oxide from the Amino acid L-Arginine. Nitric Oxide sustains constant blood flow to the erectile chambers of the penis, which can give you a more solid and powerful erection.
Velvet Bean: This is known to increase the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which supports healthy testosterone levels. Velvet Bean has also been known to be an aphrodisiac.
Provigro Dosage
To keep the flow of Provigro's ingredients in your system it is recommended that you take two doses a day - one in the morning and one at night. If you are well above the average body weight you may have to take more per day and if possible it is also recommended to take Provigro forty-five minutes before having sex.
February 2018 update: as the website provigro.com has been down for some time and the product is not available for sale on online retailers such as Amazon, we must conclude that Provigro has been discontinued.
How Does Provigro Compare?
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