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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Endurex Male Enhancement Pill Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Endurex is advertised as a natural supplement that improves sexual performance and also improves the health of the prostate gland. Endurex contains Saw Palmetto which has been used to increase sexual drive and improve prostate health for years. Endurex does contain other ingredients that contribute to a healthier life, but it does not have a testosterone booster listed in the ingredients. The message that comes from Endurex advertising is that it promotes sexuality and wellness. The price for a 30 day supply of Endurex ranges anywhere from $25 to $50, depending on the Internet store and the quantity you purchase. There is no money back guarantee and it is not returnable.
Endurex in Depth
With so many choices it's easy to get confused when it comes to choosing a product that improves your sexual experience. Two ingredients, Yohimbe and Epimedium have been recognized for their ability to overcome erectile dysfunction and to increase sexual performance. Endurex does not contain either one of those ingredients and by not offering a money back guarantee it may be hard to justify picking Endurex over Xytomax. Endurex may offer some health benefits, but there is no clinical evidence to support its claims. Endurex does not claim to increase the size of the penis; it only claims to increase sexuality which could mean a variety of things.
Endurex Ingredients
- Jujube Fruit.
- L-Arginine.
- L-Alanine.
- L-Glutamic Acid. HCL.
- L-Lysine.
- Korean Ginseng.
- Ginkgo Leaf
- Saw Palmetto.
- Fatty Acids.
Endurex Side Effects
Saw Palmetto has been known to cause headaches, diarrhea and an upset stomach.
Does Endurex Work?
Endurex has some positive reviews and some negative reviews. Most of the positive reviews say that Endurex is good because it is a Vitamin supplement and it works fine in that capacity. Other reviewers who were looking for firmer erections and better sexual performances were disappointed; Endurex really didn't claim it could do that and it didn't do it for them. There were no reviews about the prostate issue, although Saw Palmetto has been used to help the prostate for many years. Endurex seems to be a good overall health booster, but as far a solution for erectile dysfunction, it falls short. Xytomax is another product that delivers what it advertises. Xytomax also has a money back guarantee and improves stamina, boost the testosterone production and helps prevent premature ejaculation. Xytomax has a proven track record and a long list of great reviews. Endurex does contain some healthy ingredients, but it does not compare to Xytomax when it comes to improved sexual performance.
How Does Endurex Compare?
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