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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Zyrexin Male Enhancement Pill Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Zyrexin is marketed as the only male enhancement pill that has an ingredient with a U.S. patent - Butea Superba. Zyrexin is designed to work within one hour or less for some men and is “situation specific”, meaning that if you and your partner are planning a love making session then you should take Zyrexin at least one hour before hand.
Zyrexin also claims that you have a 24 hour period to have sex. If you are interrupted you can still have sex within that 24 hour time frame. Zyrexin makes your erections harder, stronger and larger. Your sexual stamina will get a boost and your recovery time should be minimal or at least quicker than you are used to, and your confidence as a lover will grow.
It costs $49.95 to buy a one month supply of Zyrexin.
Zyrexin Ingredients
Along with the patented Butea Superba, the essential ingredients in Zyrexin are geared toward increasing the blood flow to the penis area by creating more Nitric Oxide, which facilitates the widening of blood vessels.
The ingredients include:
- Butea Superba - The most important ingredient, it is a natural PDE 6 inhibitor, and the producers of Zyrexin say that they have the exclusive rights to Butea superba. It is the only natural compound to be awarded a United States patent for its ability to improve erectile function.
- Cnidium Monnier: This element is proven to increases the release of nitric oxide, which allows erections to last for a considerably longer period.
- L-Arginine - Increases natural production of nitric oxide, which in turn gets the blood flowing and helps produce a more powerful erection. This can also help with sexual stamina.
- Gamma Amino Butyric Acid - This enhances dopamine levels, and is said to promote a wonderful feeling and heightened sensations during orgasm.
- Epimedium - Also known as Horny Goat Weed, it boosts your libido and desire to have sex. It is a well known aphrodisiac that has been used for many years world-wide.
When to take Zyrexin
Since Zyrexin is designed to work almost immediately, it is recommended that you take two tablets at least one hour before sexual activity. You do not need to take it daily like other male enhancement pills.
How Does Zyrexin Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.