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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Libidus Male Enhancement Tablet

by MaleEnhancement.org
Libidus is produced as a time-specific male enhancement tablet. It is all natural and designed to generate more blood flow to the penis area within a 40 minute period, thus increasing the size and hardness of your erection. Libidus also expands the time you can have sex - your “staying power” will improve and allow you to control your orgasm, freeing you to have sex for a longer period of time.
The creators of Libidus “dare” you to take the tablets and not feel dramatic results within the 40 minute timeframe. The effects of Libidus can also last for up to four days, giving you more time to have a sexual encounter. The smallest quantity you can buy from www.libidus.net/ is a 10-pack for $39.95. At two capsules per dose, this is a 5 day supply.
Libidus Ingredients
The ingredients in Libidus generate more blood flow to the erectile chambers and cause the penis to grow and swell to a larger and firmer state. They also improve your sexual performance by arousing your libido, thus inspiring you to have better sex.
The ingredients in Libidus include:
Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia): Arguably known as one of the most potent herbal aphrodisiacs in the world. Increases the amount of testosterone produced in the male body and, consequently improves sexual drive and performance.
Flos Carthami: Generates more blood flow to the male genitals, removes blood stasis and relieves pain.
Rhizoma Cucurmae Longae: Helps to eliminate blood stasis, promotes the flow of blood and relieves pain.
Herba Cistanches: One of the more powerful tonic herbs that enhances sexual function, treats impotence, and improves the vigor in your back and knees.
Ginkgo Biloba: Improves oxygen flow to the brain and to other organs to strengthen heart, lungs, skin and genital organs.
How to take Libidus
The creators of Libidus recommend that you take two capsules with warm water at least 40 minutes before you are going to have sex. If you want quicker results, open the capsules and dissolve the powder in warm water.
How Does Libidus Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.