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VigFX Male Enhancement Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
There are guys out there that can really deliver the goods in bed. Everyone knows that and there are two kinds of people who think about those guys - the women who want to be with the them and the guys who want to be like them.
Now there are some things about these special guys that can be hard to copy like if their young, good looking and in great shape which, of course, makes them desirable to women even before they get the chance to show their stuff. Another thing may be that they have great sexual technique and just know how to push a women's buttons. But, there are also many things that any guy can copy like having a penis that just can't be ignored and the stamina and endurance to wield it like a champ. And, if your average guy doesn't already have these attributes there is now something that can help them join this exclusive club - it's called a male enhancement supplement.
These modern miracles are a relatively new development which combine some new science and some age old herbal remedies which are designed to help men reach their full potential sexually. This is generally achieved by providing men with vitamins, minerals and other generally all-natural elements that work to rejuvenate certain critical systems within the male body. The most important of these is the system that produces testosterone. And, for those who are not familiar, it is the high level of testosterone that gives a man many of those intrinsically male traits from muscle tone to aggressiveness to sexual virility. So, understanding this it's no wonder that millions and millions of men all around the world are ordering more and more of these types of products.
There is one problem that men looking for a high quality male enhancement supplement are facing and, in some ways, it's only getting worse - it's the fact that, because the demand for these supplements is so high and only getting larger, more and more companies are jumping into the male enhancement supplement game in order to try to get their share of the multi-billion dollar market. This understandable reality has made selecting the best supplements a real challenge considering that most of them have quite similar ingredients and even more similar claims.
Knowing all of this, we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our readers find the products that are best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements available today - it's called VigFX.
Inside VigFX
VigFX is produced and distributed by a US based company called Leading Edge Health. The claims made for this product on its official website are bold even for an industry where many products are marketed in a highly aggressive manner. Among the claims for VigFX are that it will increase the ability to maintain an erection by more than sixty-two percent, increase sexual and intercourse satisfaction by more than seventy-one percent and increase sexual desire by more than forty-seven percent.
VigFX Ingredients
The following list of all-natural ingredients contains many well-recognized elements that are common to many of the leading male enhancement supplements available today.
- Epimedium Leaf: A plant extract known for its effects in producing larger erections by helping to increase blood flow.
- Damiana: Widely used in male enhancement supplements as a testosterone booster and to improve libido or sexual desire.
- Ginkgo Biloba: Believed by many to have a great ability to enhance sexual stamina and endurance.
- Red Ginseng: Perhaps one of the most extensively used all-natural elements because of its excellent capacity to positively affect overall health.
- Saw Palmetto: Another widely used driver of enhanced sexual desire or libido.
- Muira Puama: A well-known element in the battle against the effects of erectile dysfunction and diminished libido.
- Catuaba Bark: A centuries old aphrodisiac used extensively all around world.
Clinical Research
The official website for VigFX cannot be seen as a solid source of clinical information regarding the product. There is no actual, credible or verifiable data or other evidence that supports the validity of the many and vigorous claims made for the product. Normally, a quality product would have at least some valid information related to clinical research, studies or trials that would show that, not only the ingredients, but the actual formulation of those ingredients that would support the effectiveness of the product.
What Real VigFX Users Are Saying
Another curious aspect of the official website for VigFX is that it does not offer any user testimonials or user reviews. However, this is not a real issue as testimonials or user reviews that appear on the official website for any product are obviously suspect in the sense that the site is controlled by the producer or distributor of the product and clearly would only want to show highly positive opinions. For this reason we set out to find some sources of less biased testimonials or user reviews.
Looking at a wide range of industry related websites with no known connection to Leading Edge Labs or VigFX and a number of internet based chat rooms discussing male enhancement supplements we came across many user reviews for this product. Looking at them all in total it was clear that the vast majority of these independent user reviews had a rather negative view of how well it worked. The most common theme among these negative views was that most users did not experience any significant benefit from using VigFX.
Health And Safety Issues
Taking into account the known history of the ingredients used in VigFX there are no serious health risks or high potential for allergic reactions among them that we are aware of. Still, it is always advisable to consult with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before beginning use of this or any other similar product.
VigFX Pricing
VigFX can be purchased through its official website. A one month supply retails for $76.99 with significant discounts for larger purchases.
The Final Verdict
Going back to the opening premise of this review we talked about how there are men out there who are really able to deliver the goods in bed and there are the women who love them and there are men who want to be them. Well, aside from the things that most men can't change such as how handsome, young and strong that they might be they can match them with the size of there of their penis and the amount of sexual desire, stamina and endurance with the help of a high quality male enhancement supplement as long as they can find one.
Yes, because of the ever growing market for these supplements due to the demand from the millions and millions of men around the world who want to greatly improve their sex lives, it has become harder and harder to figure out just which of the seemingly hundreds will work best for them.
Looking specifically at VigFX there are a few critical areas that one must look at in order to determine if it is the best available supplement for them. One is the ingredients used in the making of VigFX which, as we stated, is filled with well-recognized if not all too common elements found in most quality male enhancements supplements. The second area is the amount of and credibility of any data related to clinical research, studies or trials that might support the claims made by the company for its products' formulation. In this case, there is little to no data of this type that would back up the claims made by VigFX.
Taking these two key areas of note and combining them with the fact that most of the independent user reviews that we could find were of a highly negative nature it is clear that VigFX is not, at least at this time, one of the most attractive or effective options for men looking to improve their sexual desire and prowess.
For more information on high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
How Does VigFX Compare?
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