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Progenis Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
You know that feeling - the one that happens when you see and get close to a beautiful woman. Yes, we're talking about the surge throughout your body and up your spine - the one that leads to the swelling sensation - the one that starts the countdown to ecstasy and lets you know that you, as a man, are truly alive. Then again, maybe that's a feeling that is harder to come by than it used to be. Maybe it's something that started recently or maybe it's something that started a long time ago and those feelings are just a distant memory.
Whatever the case may be the reason for it is most likely a case of lowered testosterone production. For those who are not very familiar with the issue here the case is rather simple and it's something that the vast majority of men all around the world will experience at some point in their life. For most men there is usually some sign of symptoms of what is normally referred to as mild to moderate sexual dysfunction starting around the age of thirty. This is due to the fact that it is at that time that most men reach and move beyond their peak physical years and the systems that made them strong and virile young men begin to slow down. This is important because with lowered testosterone production men lose their capacity to produce high levels of lean muscle mass and their ability to burn fat a high rate. They also tend to lose a significant amount of their sexual drive or libido and even their ability to form and maintain a rock solid erection.
One the bright side of the issue is the fact that over the last several years there have been some amazing scientific developments which when combined with some often age old herbal remedies have helped to create what is now referred to as the modern male enhancement supplement. At the core these generally all-natural health aids were designed to help men with lowered testosterone production reboot those systems to help them get back to being the men that they used to be.
The downside to these advances is that there are now so many men all around the world willing to pay good money for a chance to get the sexual confidence back that just about every entity with the capacity to produce a pill is doing just that in order to get their slice of what is has become a multi-billion dollar industry. It's now to the point where there are now literally hundreds of these types of products and many of them do not measure up to what the best of them have to offer even though many of them use very similar ingredients and make nearly all of the same types of claims.
Keeping all of this in mind, we, as part of our continuing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will most likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements on the market today - it's called Progenis.
What To Know About Progenis
Unfortunately, there is very little solid information available when it comes to the details behind Progenis. Mainly, what is known is reserved to the basic claims which the producer makes for the product. They include that it increases the males' sexual drive or libido, improves blood flow to the penis to produce longer, wider and more firm erections, boosts sexual stamina and endurance and stimulates sensitivity for more sexual pleasure and much more intense orgasms.
What's In Progenis?
The following is a list of active ingredients which can be said to be rather common to many of the top performing products on the market today. They include:
- Muira Puama: A prime source of sterol and a core active ingredient in Progenis. Sterol is a critical element in the production of high testosterone levels.
- Horny Goat Weed: A powerful aphrodisiac known to stimulate the cholinergic neurotransmitters known to greatly affect sexual arousal.
- Tribulus Terrestris: A well-respected booster of the luteinizing hormone which is known to directly raise the production of testosterone and improve libido.
- Korean Ginseng: Widely used in many overall health products this herb is added to improve sexual stamina and endurance.
- Saw Palmetto: Added to improve overall health and increase sexual performance.
- Fo-ti: A valued herb with a thousand year history in traditional Chinese medicine to increase the enhancing effects of the formulation on sexual performance.
- Damiana: increases the benefits of increases of libido and sexual stamina.
- Catuaba Bark: Widely respected all over the globe as a highly effective agent in improving blood flow for stronger and longer lasting erections.
Clinical Research, Studies And Testing
Clearly, knowing the set of ingredients used in the making of product is useful in determining whether the product is safe and effective but a far more important set of information can be found in data related to the way in which those ingredients are formulated. This can best be illustrated by thinking of a product with all of the very best elements but formulated in such a way that the key active ingredients are included in less than sufficient amounts. To avoid these situations top producers tend to conduct a certain amount of clinical research, studies and trials which would help to create a highly effective product.
In a review of all available information both from public and company related sources there is no evidence that any credible or verifiable data exists showing any research, study or clinical testing that would support the claims being made for Progenis.
Real Users And What They Say
As any consumer knows using testimonials and user reviews are a standard tactic of most companies when it comes to selling their products. This is because those companies know that consumers tend to trust these comments and find them more compelling than many other sales techniques. However, given that most of the comments of this type are found on websites and other marketing materials which are under the control of the sellers, themselves. Obviously, this means that these comments have an inherent bias and, for a better overview, we always look for more independent sources of user reviews.
During a search of numerous industry related websites with no known connection to Progenis plus several chat rooms with a history of discussing male enhancement supplements we discovered a great many user reviews of Progenis. Tallying the overall ratings it became clear that most users did not believe that they received any significant benefit from its use even with use of a month or more.
Is Progenis Safe To Use?
Given that most of the industry tends to use sets of ingredients that are very similar in nature those used by Progenis there is little concern of any serious health risks for healthy men. However, knowing all of this it is still advised that anyone considering the use of this product or any similar product should consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional.
How To By Progenis
A one month supply of this product can be purchased through its official website for $29.99.
Final Thoughts On Progenis
If you are a man who is experiencing symptoms of mild to moderate sexual dysfunction due to a diminished capacity to produce testosterone then a top quality male enhancement supplement is probably the easiest and least expensive route to take in their pursuit of getting back to being the man that they once were. To determine if Progenis is one of the best options one need only look at three key factors.
The first of these factors is the list of ingredients which are quite standard in relation to many of the top competitors in the market today. The second of these factors is the way in which these ingredients are formulated and, here, there is no evidence that there is any research, studies or testing which would support the claims being made for Progenis. The third and final key factor is what independent user reviews have to say about their experiences with Progenis. In this case the majority of those users stated that they did not find Progenis to be effective in any significant way.
When one puts all of these factors together it is clear that Progenis cannot seriously be put in the same category as the best products that the industry has to offer.
For more information regarding high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
How Does Progenis Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.