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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
- Endowmax
- Xanogen
- Xytomax
- Extendagen
- Ultra Edge XL
- Avela
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- Endurex
- Enzyte
- Erectopril
- EstroBlaster
- Extagen
- Extends
- Extenze
- Libidus
- Lovegra
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- Orexis
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- Penisole
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- King Size Male
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- Rock Hard Weekend
- EnhanceRX
- Zialipro
- ZyaTropin

by MaleEnhancement.org
What is Extends?
Designed to help combat the problem of erectile dysfunction in males, Extends is a product created by Biotab Nutraceuticals, Inc. Sold via website, the product claims to enhance desire, pleasure and performance for those using Extends. Extends is made of all natural ingredients and also purports to increase penis size, albeit briefly during use only. Extends also claims that by using their product men can expect a harder, larger penis; thus increasing confidence, quality of life and of course, sexual relations.
Extends Ingredients
Extends contains all natural ingredients such as L-Arginine (an amino acid), ginseng, oat straw and nettle. It also contains a shockingly high amount of yohimbe, an ingredient noted for side effects such as paralysis and arrhythmia in extreme situations. While yohimbe is safely included in many different natural supplements, including male enhancement products, the concentration present in Extends makes it a difficult product to recommend safely to those who are older or not in top health.
Buy Extends
Extends is available online and through late night infomercials featuring hired actors portraying the average person on the street. A risk free, seven day trial is offered for $.97, but it does not seem like a bargain as the manufactures of Extends clearly state that eight weeks are required for full results. Also, the $.97 charge quickly turns into a $49.00 charge for a full month's supply, on an automatic charge and ship plan. The official website for Extends does not reveal this cost, offering only the $.97 free trial, except in very small print on an unrelated page. Lower prices for full 30, 60 or 90 day supplies of Extends can be found by searching the internet for deals and bargains with included knowledge of knowing exactly how much you are spending. The manufacturers of Extends offer a guarantee, stating that users may return bottles for a full refund, though no terms, timelines or deadlines are spelled out.
Does Extends Work?
Due to the double talk and rather shakily phrased promises and guarantees on the Extends website, it is difficult to tell whether or not that product actually works as advertised, because it is nearly impossible to know what is actually advertised. Extends promises to work - for most, but not all men. Extends promises to increase penis size - but cannot say by how much or for how long. With such carefully worded promises, Extends makes it difficult to say with certainty that it does not work, as it is not quite clear what exactly it is supposed to do. However, when evaluating Extends as compared to other products on the market, the situation becomes clear. Extends does not compare favorably with other products in the male enhancement market. While Extends contains ingredients proven to increase blood flow within the body, these are not proven to work the same way, or even at all, in all men. Additionally, with a full eight weeks to reach what Extends claims to be maximum effectiveness, it is a costly investment from which very few men have reportedly seen any results at all.