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OxySurge Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Life offers many joys for men but, as they grow older, some of those joys are lost simply because they are unable to physically perform the ways they used to. Sure, a guy can still throw around a ball or shoot hoops when he gets a little past his prime but there's no way he can compete with younger guys who are in their prime physical years. Another natural extension of this thought is what happens to men when it comes to their ability to perform the way they used to in bed. Obviously, a lot has been written about the subject and how it affects men in this position and how a guy can take a pill that will temporarily cause him to have an erection but little attention is paid to the root causes of these problems.
For those who are unaware of the reasons that most men in the world will face some form of mild to moderate sexual dysfunction at some time in their life the answer is fairly simple. The fact is that usually around the age of thirty most men begin to experience a decline in their body's ability to produce testosterone at the same high levels that it once did during the peak physical years of their life during their teenage years and their twenties. The result of this drop off in production leads to a number of age related issues such as a loss of lean muscle mass and a reduced ability to burn fat. Another symptom is a decrease in libido or sexual desire and, in many cases, some issues with forming and maintaining a rock solid erection.
Fortunately, for men who are not satisfied with the prospect of just taking a pill in order to produce a hard on when needed, there is an alternative that goes to the heart of the problem and give men a greater solution to their overall problem - it's called a male enhancement supplement.
Male enhancers are generally made with all-natural ingredients and are designed to help restore the male body's ability to produce testosterone at a high level at or near the level it once did in order to not only help the man get back to being the guy that he used to be in bed but also in those other areas of his life.
The downside to this great advance in male enhancing supplements is that, due to the incredible demand that has resulted from their success, is that the industry that produces them has grown exponentially in the last few years because there is now so much money to be made that just about anyone with the capacity to produce a pill and put it on the market has either done so or is in the process of doing it. This has led to a lot of issues with men becoming more and more confused as they try to determine which of the now hundreds of such products on the market are worth the money given the dramatic difference in quality that can be found from product to product. And, to make matters even more problematic, deciding can be made even more of an issue given that most of these products have very similar sets of ingredients and tend to make nearly all the same claims.
It's for this reason that we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements available today - OxySurge.
A Look Inside OxySurge
Produced and distributed by Advantage Nutraceuticals, the OxySurge brand seems to operate in on a premise which is different than most products of this nature. This is because, instead of focusing its marketing efforts on the actual male enhancement supplement which is designed to improve the level of testosterone production, the official website for OxySurge instead focuses on a side product which is actually a topical solution called OxySurge Serum.
The intent of the serum is to enhance sexual arousal which can produce longer and more intense sexual experiences as well greater and longer lasting male orgasms by applying the serum directly to the male genitalia prior to an expected sexual encounter.
Clinical Information And Studies
One of the key things that most consumers focus on when looking at a product is the list ingredients. This, they often believe, is the key to understanding how effective it is likely to be based on what they have heard about many ingredients. However, it should be noted that another key factor is how those ingredients may be formulated. To put it simply, any product could have the very best ingredients and still not be effective if they are included in insufficient quantities or if they interact with other ingredients poorly. The way to know this is to do research, studies and clinical trials that would prove the effectiveness of any formulation.
In looking at the available information provided by the producer of OxySurge we can see no evidence of any such, research, studies or testing that would indicate that this product and its formulation have proven themselves able to live up to the claims being made for them.
Independent User Reviews
A key selling tool for many companies is testimonials which are often found on product websites and other marketing materials. However, these testimonials or user reviews have an obvious and inherent bias as they are used in company controlled environments which simply means that the company is unlikely to use any testimonials or user reviews that are anything less than highly positive in nature. This is why we always look for more independent sources of user reviews.
Relying on number of industry related websites with no apparent affiliation to OxySurge or its parent company as well as multiple internet based chat rooms featuring comments on male enhancement supplements we discovered a wide swath of independent user reviews. The majority of these were clearly negative in their view of their own experience with OxySurge and its serum. The most prominent comments were that these users did not feel that these products delivered on their claims in any significant way.
Is OxySurge Safe To Use?
Being that the list of ingredients used in both the OxySurge male enhancement supplements and its Serum are not completely clear there is no way that we can comment on how safe it may be to use. This is why it is always recommended that those considering its use consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional before starting a regular regimen.
Purchasing OxySurge
A bottle of the OxySurge pleasure enhancing serum is available for purchase at $39.95, It should be noted that it is only available when combined with a one month supply of the male enhancing supplements. There are also multiple offers of discounts for large purchases.
The Last Word On OxySurge
In the end there are only three key factors that must be considered when trying to determine if OxySurge products are among the best choices for men seeking to regain their lost vigor and virility in the bedroom and the rest of their lives.
The first is to look at the set of ingredients and in this case those ingredients are in question. The second factor is to look at the way in which those ingredients are formulated and, again, in this case the required information is not available to make that type of determination. The third and final key factor is to look at what independent user reviews have to say about their experiences. Reviewing these comments it is clear that OxySurge and its unusual set of products and marketing strategy has not resonates well with the men who have given it a try.
All in all, the evidence show that OxySurge products are not among the best possible choices for men seeking to reinvigorate their sex lives through the use of a testosterone restoring male enhancement supplement.
For more information regarding high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
How Does OxySurge Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.