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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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RapidTabs Male Enhancement Pill Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
RapidTabs is advertised as a Sildenafil Citrate soft tab that is dissolved under the tongue and enters the bloodstream and begins to work like Viagra. In fact some people call it the generic Viagra, which is available without a prescription. RapidTabs advertises that it begins to work fifteen minutes after it enters the bloodstream. RapidTabs claims to enhance the sexual experience by providing a firmer erection and longer stamina. The secret of its performance is that it does not go through the digestive process which usually takes anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes and some ingredients are lost in the digestive process. RapidTabs is a sublingual tab that enters the bloodstream directly and begins to produce a spontaneous sexual experience whenever the moment is right.
RapidTabs in Depth
RapidTabs contains the same ingredient as Viagra, which has been effective in increasing sexual performance as well as correcting erectile dysfunction issues. Viagra does work, but the side effects make it a difficult drug to use. Sildenafil Citrate has been proven to strengthen and improve the firmness of erections, but it could open the door for other health issues that were dormant before taking RapidTabs or any supplement that contains Sildenafil Citrate. RapidTabs is expensive; one tablet may cost as much as $17. If money and side effects are not an issue, RapidTabs may help with erection and sexual performance issues.
RapidTabs Ingredients
- Sildenafil Citrate
Other ingredients are unknown.
RapidTabs Side Effects
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Prolonged Erections
- Blindness
- Heart Problems
Not recommended for people who have heart conditions, blood disorders or are taking medications that contain nitrates. High blood pressure and diabetes could also be an issue.
Do RapidTabs Work?
RapidTabs has had some success in increasing the firmness of the penis and improving stamina, but the side effects have been a problem for a large number of users. RapidTabs are expensive and that has also been an issue for some reviewers. In almost all the reviews RapidTabs negatives outweighed the positive affect it had on the sexual experience. Xytomax is a male enhancement product that will boost the testosterone level, improve stamina, supply more blood to the penis and prevent premature ejaculations.
Xytomax has been proven to enhance sexual performance with no side effects and it has a money back guarantee. Xytomax contains the FDA approved ingredient Yohimbe as well as Vitamin B3, Zinc Oxide, Epimedium, Maca Root, Guarana Extract, Muira Puama, Longjack Extract, Avena Sativa, Ginkgo Biloba, Saw Palmetto, Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Cnidium Monnieri, GABA and Damiana. All of these ingredients have been proven to help improve the quality of sexual performance. Xytomax increases the supply of blood to the penis, increases the overall energy level and brings a heighten awareness to sexual activity. RapidTabs may work for some people but Xytomax provides confidence without side effects.
How Does RapidTabs Compare?
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