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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Lovegra Male Enhancement Pills Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Lovegra has been called the generic version of Viagra. It's used by men and women. Lovegra is touted as the non prescription version of Viagra for men and is advertised as a supplement that can increase the flow of blood to the penis, so a firmer erection can be realize at the appropriate moments. Women also can use it to have a more stimulating sexual experience, because it increases blood flow to the vagina. Lovegra is advertised as a supplement that can help patients with erectile dysfunction and enhance the sexual experience. It has become popular because of the cost, the convenience and its availability on the Internet.
Lovegra in Depth
Lovegra has achieved some popularity riding on the coat tails of Viagra. Lovegra works about forty-five minutes after a pill is taken and continues to work for 4 to 6 hours after that. The benefits of Lovegra are hard to determine because the ingredients are not listed on any website; more information is listed about the side effects than anything else. Most of the reviews say that Lovegra does not perform like its big brother Viagra. Women have written better reviews than men, which is interesting. More men use it than women. Lovegra is manufactured by Ajanta Pharmaceuticals, which is better known as Kamagra Company.
Lovegra Ingredients
- Sildenafil
Other ingredients are unknown.
Lovegra Side Effects
- Facial flushing
- Headache
- Upset Stomach
- Blurred Vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Nausea
- Chest pains
- Dizziness
Do not take Lovegra if you are using medications that contain nitrates. If you have high blood pressure, kidney issues, a heart condition, have had a stroke or have blood problems like Leukemia or Sickle Cell, do not take Lovegra.
Does Lovegra Work?
Lovegra has had mixed reviews. Some of the reviewers said it did help them experience a better sexual experience. More women said they thought it worked for them, but it was not really worth the money. No one is really sure what the ingredients are, except the manufacturer and they are not listed on their website. The site has more information about the side effects, the results get lost after reading the long list of potential problems that could develop using Lovegra. A better solution to sexual performance issues is Xytomax. Xytomax is an all natural supplement that has been proven to enhance each sexual experience by boosting the testosterone level, increasing stamina and prevent premature ejaculations. Xytomax is a blend of Yohimbe, which has been approved by the FDA, L-Arginine, Muira Puama, Ginkgo, Saw Palmetto and Cnidium Monnieri extract, along with other natural ingredients, that will improve each and every one of your sexual experiences. Xytomax is safe, effective and easy to use with no side effects. It's hard to promote a product like Lovegra when there is a product like Xytomax on the market.
How Does Lovegra Compare?
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