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Potensa Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
At the dawn of man there weren't a lot of guys who lived long enough to reach the age where they were likely to develop symptoms related to sexual dysfunction. However, as we progressed as a species and our life spans increased the potential for men to experience these issues became more and more likely. And, aside from some unproven remedies and spells and incantations there was not much that anyone could do to change that.
So, throughout the ages men all over the world who have lived long enough to find themselves living past their peak physical years have had to come to terms with the fact that once they get into their thirties they are likely to begin seeing some signs of mild to moderate sexual dysfunction which could be as simple as a diminished sex drive or as complex as problems forming and keeping a rock solid erection.
What guys living today need to know is that there have been recent discoveries which have put many age old herbal remedies into a whole new light. And, the result of this is what many are now calling the modern male enhancement supplement. In essence, these non-prescription health aids have been designed to help overcome the issues that cause mild to moderate sexual dysfunction in most men by providing the male body with the elements necessary to kick start their diminished ability to produce testosterone at the same kind of high level as they once did during their teens and twenties. And, as most men know, testosterone is the key male hormone that provides them with the capacity to create large amounts of lean muscle mass, burn fat at a high rate, provides them with a high level of sex drive and gives them the stamina and endurance to perform like a champion in the bedroom.
The one real problem that has developed from all of these great advances is the fact that just about every entity with the ability to produce a pill and market it to consumers has either done so or is in the process of doing it. And, since many of these new products have been shown to be of inferior quality the market for male enhancement supplements finds itself now flooded with literally hundreds of lesser products and consumers are often left scratching their heads when it comes to choosing which product will work best for them.
With this being the case we, as part of our continuing efforts the help our many valued readers find the products that will likely work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancers on the market today - it's called Potensa.
What To Know About Potensa
Manufactured and distributed by Lunada Biochemicals, Potensa is said to be the result of many years of research and study and was designed to elevate several functions of the male biochemical system to significantly increase the production of testosterone, raise sexual drive and improve blood flow in order to bolster a man's capacity for form and maintain an erection.
What's In Potensa
Using an all-natural set of ingredients this product contains several well-known and widely used elements which are in wide use among many of the top performing brands.
- Ammonium Succinate: A molecule inherent to the brain's hypothalamus, it is known to increase sensitivity to stimulus and increase blood flow.
- Tocopherol Acetate: An antioxidant known to improve the integrity of cell membranes charged with protecting the DNA in cells required for critical sexual functions.
- Calcium Disuccinate: A prime source of calcium needed to boost bone density.
- Sodium Glutamate: Ensures high functioning of the mitochondrial-benzodiazepine receptors to increase energy levels.
- Magnesium Disuccinate Hydrate: A central source of magnesium which is critical to the cardiovascular system.
- Glycine: Lowers the sensitivity of glutamate receptors and works with the brain to resist hypoxia-resistant.
- Zinc Difumarate Hydrate: Adds various ions needed for the synthesis of energy and helps to metabolize fats and carbohydrates.
- L-Arginine Monohydrochloride: Reverses deficiencies resulting from the aging process and works to synthesize protein as well as other biochemical processes.
A Look At The Science
When consumers want to know about what's in a product they generally turn to the ingredients label but the information there generally only tells part of the story. A more important factor is the information related to the way in which the product itself was formulated. To clarify this point one could think about a product which may have all of the very best elements but does not use them in the required dosage. Obviously, this product would most likely be ineffective. To avoid these types of issues most companies will conduct a certain degree of research, study and testing.
Taking into account all of the available information from both Potensa and its producer as well as outside sources we could find no data that would suggest that any of this type of research, studies or clinical trials has been done for that it would support the claims being made.
Testimonials And User Reviews
As would be expected one can find a number of testimonials at the official product website for Potensa. The problem with these types of testimonials and user reviews is that they are posted under the control of the seller and, therefore, have an obvious and inherent bias as the seller is unlikely to use any negative comments. With this in mind we always look for more independent sources or testimonials or user reviews.
Scanning several industry related sites with no apparent affiliation to this product or its producer as well as multiple chat rooms that tend to discuss male enhancement supplements we found many independent user reviews for Potensa. After compiling the ratings for this product it became clear that the vast majority of those reviews were negative in nature.
How Safe Is Potensa?
Since the ingredients purportedly being used in Potensa are in wide use within the industry there is no real reason to believe that there would be any serious health risks involved with its use. Still, it is always advisable to consult with a physician or other qualified medical professional before starting use of this or any other similar product.
Potensa Pricing And Dosage Information
This product is sold exclusively through its official product website. At the time of publication the cost of a one month supply is $49.99.
The Last Word On Potensa
For men seeking to deal with the symptoms of mild to moderate sexual dysfunction the answer can usually be found in a high quality male enhancement supplement. The question we are here to ask is if Potensa is among the best options in this category. Looking at all the available information we determined that this could best be answered by looking at three basic areas.
One area is the set of ingredients and there are no real problems here as they are in wide use within the industry. The second area is the way in which those ingredients have been formulated and, as discussed, they makers of Potensa have chosen not to provide the public with any data that would support their many claims. The last area is what independent user reviews have to say about this product and the results that we could find were mostly negative.
Looking at all of these areas it appears clear that Potensa has not gone far enough in the way they have created this product to be considered one of the top choice for men who want to improve their sex lives.
For more information on high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today click here.
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