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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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by MaleEnhancement.org
Extagen increases the amount of blood flow to the erectile chambers of the penis. With this boost in blood flow the erectile chambers expand and grow larger than normal, thus giving you a harder and superior erection.
When you continue to use Extagen your erection should continue to grow larger and thicker because of the amount of blood that is flowing into the erectile chambers. Once the chambers have naturally expanded they allow for additional growth of the penis. A one month supply from www.extagen.com costs $74.95.
Extagen Ingredients
The major ingredient in Extagen is Yohimbine. Studies show that Yohimbine treats Erectile Dysfunction by raising blood pressure, increasing the heart rate and promoting blood circulation, giving you a more powerful, longer lasting erection. Men who have high blood pressure concerns should consult a doctor before using products containing Yohimbine.
Other active ingredients in Extagen include:
L-Arginine: This increases sperm motility (the movement of sperm) and enhances the amount of semen your body produces.
Muira Puama - Known for its ability to help with impotence, Muira Puama is also recognized for its strong stimulant qualities.
Nettle Leaf - This is used to increase blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. The result is more blood being circulated toward the penis area and a harder erection.
Catuaba - Catuaba is a central nervous system stimulant used around the world for treating sexual impotence, exhaustion and fatigue.
Extagen Recommendations
It is recommended that you take one Extagen pill per day. The manufacturers claim that you will see positive results in two to five weeks and the maximum results should occur within the six month program of taking Extagen. Results vary depending on how fast your system absorbs the active ingredients in Extagen.
According to the manufacturer, “Extagen's blend includes Yohimbe extract. If you have high blood pressure or any other medical condition, as with any supplement it is recommended you talk to your doctor before taking Extagen.”
How Does Extagen Compare?
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