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Rexavar - Does It Really Work?

by MaleEnhancement.org
Are you in the market for a male enhancement product? If so, what you should choose depends greatly on what specific benefits you are hoping to get out of it. While some men are interested in benefits like harder erections, elevated libido or extended stamina and performance others are only interested in being bigger. For the latter, the product that they tend to lean toward is Rexavar. This, as the company calls it, is a "revolutionary penis pill" that offers a promise to increase the size of your penis to dimensions unlike anything any other pill you may have tried in the past can achieve.
Rexavar Benefits
Rexavar's advertising makes the following claims:
- Increased length.
- Expanded width.
- Greater stamina.
- Boosted libido.
- Intense pleasure.
- Quickened recovery between sessions.
How Does Rexavar Work?
Now, that is a pretty impressive list of claims but, the question is, does Rexavar really deliver on these promises and, if so, how? According to the company, the key is the corpus cavernosa, more commonly referred to as the penile chambers. In an erect penis these chambers are engorged with blood flow. And, the resulting size of your erection is directly determined by the amount of blood these chambers can hold.
So, according to the claims, Rexavar increases the blood flow to these chambers by increasing the levels of nitric oxide in your body. Then, to increase chamber capacity Rexavar works to increase the cellular walls of the penile tissue citing that the formula can actually target the tissue needed to maximize erectile growth.
Claims also state that Rexavar's formula contains the ingredient Tongkat Ali that has been aged for ten years to maximize its strength and potency. Tongkat Ali is reported to increase levels of free testosterone, which is the type of testosterone naturally produced by the body. So, with these increased levels of naturally occurring testosterone, you should experience a boost in libido and stronger, longer lasting erections.
Other key ingredients include:
- Tribulus Terrestris which is believed by some to boost total testosterone levels of the Luteinizing Hormone within the pituitary gland as a delivery system.
- L-Citrulline which increases l-arginine by first increasing nitric oxide. Elevated nitric oxide levels are what increases the blood flow to the penis.
- L-Arginine which can directly increase the amount of nitric oxide in your blood. The combination of both l-arginine and l-citrulline means more and longer lasting boosts in nitric oxide levels.
Another claim is that Rexavar was formulated by Harvard Medical School graduate Dr. Mark Saginor. Referred to by some as a "doctor to the stars", it is said that he seized upon that profile to launch his version of the enhancement product.
The company further suggests that Rexavar has been clinically tested and proven to increase your penis size by 72%. These claims have been deemed by many to be misleading. One statement claims a question posed to them was, "how much size increase will I get?" Their response to the questioner was "72.1%." Unfortunately, that number refers to the increase in testosterone levels in findings from a clinical test for one of the ingredients and the company did not point out which particular ingredient that was. Furthermore, the company offers no evidence that this particular study was ever actually conducted.
Rexavar's statements would lead a consumer to believe that there is verifiable clinically tested science behind their claims. With the Actual evidence provided, that is in no way proven. As ample evidence has shown to date there is no product that has ever been shown to increase penis size.
Rexavar Before and After Reviews
Although Rexavar offers many testimonials offering high praise, other non-biased reviews offer a completely different take on their product. Here are some examples:
Dave says: "I have tried Rexavar for two months with no results. Then they email me and say they have a new Rexavar Xtreme which again I have tried for two months but still no results."
Kyle says: "I've been taking the pills for a month, haven't seen much results. How much longer before I should see something?"
Gino says: "I'm 41 and take Cialis and Viagra. Guys, I've been taking it for 3 months now and no results. I'm very disappointed because I thought this would really work. Sad to say it doesn't."
Almost every review found on a non-Rexavar affiliated website was extremely negative.
Where to Buy Rexavar
Rexavar is available through their own website or it can be purchased through Amazon.com. On the company website, one bottle is priced at $39.95 and contains enough for a one month supply. The cost of the same size bottle at Amazon.com is $27.76.
Rexavar Pros
- The listed ingredients are natural.
- It claims to have been developed by a doctor.
- The company offers a money back guarantee.
Rexavar Cons
- Although Rexavar makes significant claims regarding increased penis size there is no evidence that this particular product can deliver on that promise.
- Its claims regarding clinical trials are not backed by evidence that these trials ever took place.
Our Rexavar Conclusion
Being that we all prefer to deal with companies who offer believable claims and offer solid evidence of them we would have to say that Rexavar has not demonstrated that it is one of them. And, based on the reviews not affiliated with Rexavar we would not spend hard earned money on this product.
For information on other products with a far better track record click here.
How Does Rexavar Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.