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Supplemax Premature Ejaculation Cream Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Supplemax is a group of penis health clinics that are based in Australia. Supplemax advertises that it has a revolutionary new product that treats premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a condition where a man will ejaculate shortly after penetration resulting in a less than satisfactory sexual experience. Over fifty percent of the men studied ejaculated within 2 to 5 minutes after penetration. Supplemax has a product that is designed to slow the signal from the brain which causes the ejaculation. It allows the partners to enjoy a longer sexual experience. Supplemax's new formula supposedly provides a longer sexual experience and a more exciting sex life.
Supplemax in Depth
Supplemax Premature Ejaculation formula is sold in both cream and pill form. It's sold 20 doses at a time, at a cost of $445 or $22 a dose. Supplemax Premature Ejaculation formula is sold through various sites that originate in Australia and are all linked to the Supplemax website. Before Supplemax's new formula is shipped, a doctor's consultation is done by email. Supplemax advertises that premature ejaculation can be overcome after using the Supplemax formula for a period of time although the website does not explain how long it will actually take, because it varies from man to man.
Supplemax Ingredients
No ingredients are available on the Supplemax Website.
Supplemax Side Effects
No side effects are reported on the Supplemax Website.
Does Supplemax Work?
Supplemax has spent a lot of time and money promoting their Premature Ejaculation formula but little is known about it except that it is expensive. In order to try this product, several preliminary steps must be taken because it's only available through Australian websites and doctors. Instead of going through all the procedures necessary to try this formula, it may make more sense to use a proven formula like Climaxagen Climax Delay Cream, which prevents premature ejaculation.
Climaxagen Climax Delay Cream is guaranteed to prevent premature ejaculations. It helps calm the body's reaction to sexual stimulation without numbing the skin. Climaxagen is absorbed into the skin and the ingredients go to work immediately. It has a list of proven ingredients which include: Lecithin, Niacin, Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester, L-Arginine, di-PPG 2-Myreth-10 Adipate and Isopropyl Myristate. They all contribute to enhancing the overall sexual experience by boosting the testosterone level, improving stamina and helping to provide firmer erections, as well as preventing premature ejaculations. Climaxagen Climax Delay Cream is doctor approved and is available on the company website, www.climaxagen.com. Customer service is available to handle any questions and they treat your requests confidentially and discreetly. Australia's a great place to visit, but in order to enhance your sexual experience by preventing premature ejaculations, the Stateside remedy Climaxagen Climax Delay Cream, is right next door and is always at your service. Learn more.
How Does Supplemax Compare?
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