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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion

by MaleEnhancement.org
As far as male enlargement lotions, Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion makes some fairly grandiose claims. If the lotion does even half of what the manufacturers claim, then the tube will be well worth the purchase price.
One of the things that Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion supposedly does is create an effect that they call “roping”. According to the site, roping is when a man experiences multiple orgasms. I am skeptical about this claim, as I have yet to hear of any product being able to help a man come more than once. Could it happen? Sure. Will it? Highly unlikely. But as I said, it may be well worth a check out if it performs as described.
The Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion manufacturers make standard claims of fast acting male enhancement, which can be doubled when used in conjunction with their Magna-RX+ Male Performance Pills.
Most male enhancement products that act quickly don't have to be supplemented. The choice as to whether or not you wish to use two forms of male enhancement products simultaneously is up to you, however, there is more than one maker of fine enhancement products. These makers can provide results with only one step.
About Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion
Like many male enhancement lotions, the medicine in magna-RX transdermal lotion is delivered topically. Simply apply it directly to the penis to deliver a specialized dose of nitric oxide. The nitric oxide, which is the lotions active ingredient, is said to help with giving a man quick and amazing results, which are felt immediately.
Magna-RX Transdermal lotion was created by a doctor named George Aguilar. The Board certified M.D. and urologist was said to have treated over 70,000 patients with erectile problems.
Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion Website
The site has several different male and female enhancement products on it. Since it the site isn't specialized to Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion, it was difficult to navigate. Because of this, it was hard to research the product. When I did find info, it was sparse at best.
Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion Manufacturers, Custom Business Solutions a.k.a. American Lifestyle are based out of Pittsford, NY 14534. The about section of the website proudly proclaims that President & CEO, Jerry McSpadden, is a married tennis player who worked 17 years with the USA Intelligence Community at the Pentagon, 2 years with USA Congress. What any of this information has to do with the viability of their enhancement products, I just don't know.
A 4-ounce tube of Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion costs $43.00. The return policy seems fair enough, however they charge a 15% Re-stocking charge when a product is returned.
Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion Ingredients
Extensive searching did not reveal the ingredients. Always beware of products that do not list ingredients!
I'd like to say that I can find positives, but to be honest, I can't. I mean, assuming that what the site clams is true, you will be able to get maximized enlargement to enhance you and your lovers raucous sexcapades. The allure of such a promise can very well make you rush to spend your $43.00. However:
You are charged a restocking fee if you return the product. Now, why should a consumer have to pay to restock a product they didn't like? You are also less the shipping charges so you don't truly receive your money back in full. This is a major downside to buying the product in my book.
As they say, always read the fine print when ordering anything off the Internet, especially in regards to return policies.
Proceed with caution when buying Magna-RX Transdermal Lotion. There isn't a ton of information on the viability of the product and some of the claims are suspect. If they had a really cool return system or a viable money back guarantee, I would say the initial investment in a tube or two would be worth checking out, but the terms of the return make the product itself a bit suspect.
That said, it is really our call. You may try it and find that it is everything it claims and more.
The decision is truly yours to make.