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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Ogoplex Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Fine men trust Ogoplex!
The website proclaims this, but a search showed very little reason why they should as the actual Ogoplex site itself was a bit, shall we say, confusing to navigate. First off, the site doesn't immediately tell us what “it” is. Is it pill? A powder and just what does “it” do?
Fishing on the site a while, you eventually realize that yes indeed it is a pill, and the object of that pill is to intensify orgasms-one just wishes they could have been a bit more forthcoming with information from page one.
According to the site, if used as directed, Ogoplex could provide faster ejaculatory recovery times for a much bigger and altogether spectacular second orgasms, an increase in ejaculate volume for a more intense “release sensation”.
This would also increase the sheer number of ejaculatory contractions, which would again, make for stronger, longer lasting orgasms.
Ogoplex Ingredients
The ingredients list was a bit ambiguous, and on the site, all you see it a snap shot of a label from a bottle that has some familiar ingredients that are often found in many other male enhancement/ sex products.
Research indicted that the botanical origins are Swedish, namely, the fertile plains region of Skane.
Two main ingredients listed were:
- Swedish Flower Pollen extract
- Saw Palmetto Berry
Both components are known to improve the male sex drive, and performance. It can also improve size and stamina. Another great benefit these ingredients can produce is sexual longevity-men who suffer from premature ejaculation would therefore get an added bonus to using such a product.
The icing on the cake is that orgasm become ten times more intense, and the possibilities of multiple orgasms are very real.
Ogoplex Results
Using Ogoplex appeared simple enough. Just take one tablet per day with juice or coffee to start seeing results in about 3 weeks.
Ogoplex: Pros
- There is a phone number to contact someone directly, which is: 1-866-OGOPLEX (1-866-646-7539).
- The possibility of having greater orgasms
- Multiple orgasms could be had in time
- Can create longevity and stamina
- An aid to premature ejaculation.
Ogoplex: Cons
The expense-Ogoplex is more expensive than competing semen volume pills, and we can't be altogether sure from the website just what it does exactly. Ambiguity is never a good thing.
Also, the website is hard to navigate, and information too hard to obtain.
Cost of Ogoplex
A one month supply is $50.00 dollars USD
Does Ogoplex Work?
While Ogoplex may do what it says, the website is not very revealing and the cost way too exorbitant when other products offer the same ingredients for less. It would be best to shop around before shelling out dollars for this product.
Editor's Choice
See which product is our choice for best semen volume pills