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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Vigorect Male Enhancement Liquid Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Vigorect is a natural herbal liquid that enhances each sexual experience according to the company's website. Vigorect supposedly stimulates the physical and the psychological system so sex can be a more satisfying emotionally, as well as physically. Vigorect is taken 30 to 45 minutes before intercourse and should not be mixed with alcohol. Vigorect supposedly helps to produce firmer erections and increase sexual stamina. The ads say drink up and have the best sex you've ever had, which of course is a matter of personal opinion.
Vigorect Male Enhancement in Depth
Vigorect contains a couple of ingredients that do help supply more blood to the genital area, but the formula is missing some very important herbs like Yohimbe and Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed, which have been proven to be more effective than the ingredients in Vigorect, as far as boosting the testosterone and HGH levels and supplying blood to the erectile chambers of the penis for firmer erections. The company website reports that 60% of the men they surveyed performed better sexually the first night. After three weeks the study said that some men supposedly had more overall energy and they felt better about their sexual performance. As far as sexual performance enhancement is concerned, those figures are weak compared to products like Endowmax Oil.
Vigorect Ingredients
- Butea Superba
- Choline Bitartrate
- Vitamin B5
- L-Arginine
- DL-Phenylalanine
Vigorect Side Effects
Diarrhea, bad taste, headache have been reported with the use of Vigorect.
Does Vigorect Work?
Most of the reviews written about Vigorect effectiveness are not positive. Some men who tried Vigorect did not get good results. Others claimed that it was more like a vitamin with a bad awful taste. In order for a supplement to be an effective sexual performance enhancer, it must contain the ingredients that will do that job. Vigorect's ingredients don't support its claims. Vigorect may stimulate and arouse for a short period of time as some men said, but it did not perform as expected. One supplement that has been successful in 95% of the men who tried it was Endowmax Oil.
Endowmax Oil increases the testosterone level, helps supply blood to the erectile chambers for a firmer erection and boosts the energy level for a fantastic sexual experience, when the moment is right. It's safe, easy to use and has a money back guarantee. The ingredients in Endowmax Oil have been used for centuries to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence. Endowmax Oil contains these important ingredients: Tribulus Terrestris, Maca, Damiana, Epimedium, GABA, Muira Puama, Catuaba Bark, L-Arginine, Jujube extract and Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa. Vigorect may advertise that it can increase and improve sexual performance, but Endowmax Oil actually does turn each sexual experience into an event to remember. Endowmax Oil is available on the company website.
How Does Vigorect Compare?
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