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Herbal V : Does it Really Work?

by MaleEnhancement.org
Ever since the introduction of Viagra as a short term cure for erectile dysfunction there has been a near tsunami of competitors, copycats and purveyors of alternatives. There are several reasons for this. The most cynical one is that everybody just wanted to jump on the bandwagon and reap the rewards in a market that had just been completely legitimized by a product that had just blown the roof off of a major problem for men experiencing the debilitating effects of erectile dysfunction.
So, in an effort to get on board the gravy train a slew of companies popped up and began making what could be considered Viagra knock-offs and other non-prescription alternatives that would either, actually simulate the benefits of Viagra or, at least, through the magic of marketing and salesmanship, look and sound like they might be viable alternatives. As one would expect, the vast majority of these companies and products did little to nothing to help men with this affliction but there were some that did manage to achieve some impressive results. These companies were the ones who, apparently, did some actual research which likely helped them see something in the data that drew a real correlation between the centuries old herbal medications developed in so many cultures from all corners of the world and the amazing scientific breakthroughs which made Viagra possible.
In this research some companies discovered that the elements that made Viagra so successful, which are largely chemical substances that when marketed would require a physician's authorization, are all basically either plant or herbal based or could be replicated through elements found in plant material.
With all of that in mind, we decided, as part of our ongoing mission to help our readers find the best available products, to take a close look at one of the most talked about Viagra style alternatives available on the market today. It's called Herbal V.
Inside Herbal V
Herbal V is one of many male enhancement supplement products coming out of China today and is clearly on of the most well promoted. As part of that promotional campaign the manufacturer has made a strong, clear effort to separate Herbal V from its competitors mainly by noting that Herbal V contains only the finest quality ingredients whereas so much of the competition simply does not.
The Ingredients
Although many of these ingredients included in Herbal V are distinctly different from many of the ingredients found in most of the top performing male enhancement supplements available on the market today we acknowledge that there may be solid reasoning for their inclusion:
- Desert Cistanche: A hormonal elixir used for centuries as a sexual stimulator for both men and women
- Curculigo Rhizome: Long promoted as a natural blood flow enhancer this plant extract has created a lot of buzz within the herbal remedy community in recent years
- Rhodiola Sacra: Known only within Southeast Asia for centuries, this herbal 'miracle plant' has only recently been more widely known in the west as it gains popularity among herbalists for its qualities as an aphrodisiac
- Tibetan Ginseng: Hailed for its overall health benefits, Ginseng is one of the most widely used ingredient is health products of every kind.
- Polygonatum Verticillatum: Said to be more powerful than most ingredients of a similar nature, this ingredient is widely respected for its qualities as an aphrodisiac
- Horny Goat Weed: Being that the increased production of sperm leads to larger and longer lasting orgasms in males, this ingredient is added to boost those semen levels.
User Reviews
As always, when looking at companies and products that have little to no verifiable official information such as companies from countries with less than open governments or those with little regulation regarding marketing practices or safety, we make every attempt to look closely at what independent user reviews have to say about these companies and products. When doing our research into user reviews on Herbal V we were a little surprised to see that the vast majority of these reviews were of a negative nature. Apparently, many users of Herbal V felt like they were led to believe that Herbal V was an all natural alternative to Viagra in that, without the chemical formulation of Viagra, it could avoid many or all of the multiple side effects associated with Viagra. And, as any man who has explored these side effects would know, they include: Headache, flushing, upset stomach, abnormal vision, such as changes in color vision (such as have a blue color tinge) and blurred vision, stuffy or runny nose, back pain, muscle pain and nausea.
- An all-natural, non-prescription alternative to Viagra
- Claims to provide the benefits of Viagra without the long list of serious side effects
- Rated my many as one of the best in its class of supplements
- Some reports indicate that penises can become desensitized and make it hard to reach orgasm
- Considered by many to be part of the class of Viagra 'knock-offs'
- Because the product originates from China where the regulations are lax at best, there are many reports that the quality of the product is often unverifiable
Medical Concerns
Given that there are many potential side effects in taking Viagra and that Herbal V has tried to replicate the benefits of Viagra by creating a formula of materials containing a supposed chemical relationship similar to it, there is the possibility on a chemical scale, that there could be similar potential side effects from using Herbal V. So, as always we recommend that any potential user consult with a qualified medical professional before taking this or any other medication or supplement of a similar nature or with a similar list of ingredients.
Recommended Dosage And Pricing
Instructions provided for Herbal V state that it should be taken approximately on hour before engaging in sexual activity.
Because the product comes from China pricing is a little unusual. Including taxes and shipping a small box of four pills is priced at $19.76 and a bottle of twenty is priced at $65.92.
Our Conclusion
As we discussed at the beginning of this article there has been an explosion of Viagra knock-offs, copycats and producers of alternatives. The problem with most of these is that they have not successfully or, in many cases, even attempted to successfully replicate the Viagra formula or created anything that provides its proven benefits. Still, there is ample evidence that some of these producers have found a legitimate way to obtain the benefits of Viagra without the need for an expensive prescription and without producing a chemical based product loaded with side effects that make it impossible for man men around the world with a need for a cure for erectile dysfunction. It is these companies that we constantly seek to find so that our readers will be able to wade through the mountains of erroneous and misleading information be thrown at them every day so that they can make an informed decision about which of these male enhancement supplements might be right for them.
That said, when we look closely at all the factors involved with Herbal V we find that this product, despite the buzz surrounding it, has an ingredient list filled with mainly unfamiliar and widely unknown elements that most westerners may be skeptical of. Further, the largely negative reviews by independent users is a real warning flag that should not be dismissed lightly even in the face of a well-funded and highly sophisticated marketing campaign that has spread worldwide.
The bottom line here is that, if you can afford the high cost of Viagra and you don't have any health issues that could make Viagra dangerous for you to take then you should consider finding an all-natural, non-prescription substitute that is less expensive and safe to take. The Problem with Herbal V is that is just does not appear to be one of the best options for doing that.
For more information regarding top ranked herbal substitutes for Viagra, click here.
How Does Herbal V Compare?
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