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Prelox Blue Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Every day you try to pretend that there is no problem. What's worse is that your mate can't pretend that there is no problem either. There's no getting around it - you are having issues that can only be described as mild to moderate sexual dysfunction.
The bottom line here is that you are not alone as millions and millions of men around the world and since the beginning of humanity have dealt with an uncomfortable fact which is that as men age they reach the point, usually around the age of thirty, when their body begins to lose the capacity to produce testosterone at a high level. And, to make matters worse this loss usually continues at a rate of about two percent per year.
The loss of testosterone is important because this hormone is the building block of what makes a man everything that identifies the gender. It provides the ability to produce large amounts of lean muscle mass and burn fat at a high rate. It also gives him his sex drive or libido and the stamina, endurance and sexual performance traits. This is why losing testosterone production capacity is so critical to so many men who have moved beyond their prime.
The good news is that after thousands of years some new science and some often age old herbal studies have come together to create what is often referred to as the modern male enhancement supplement. Most often these are made from all-natural ingredients and are generally designed to provide the male body with the necessary elements needed to jump start the process of producing testosterone in order to get men back to feeling and performing like the guys they were back in their teens and twenties.
The bad news is that, due to the incredible success and popularity that these supplements have enjoyed, the market for them has become overrun with literally hundreds of products many of which have been proven to be of less than high quality. The result of this is that consumers are having a harder and harder time determining which of these products will work best for them. To add to the problem many of these claim to use nearly all the same types of ingredients and make mostly all the same claims.
This being the case we, as part of our ongoing efforts to help our many valued readers find the products that will work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement supplements out there today - it's called Prelox Blue.
What To Know About Prelox Blue
Produced and distributed within the U.S. by the well-known company named Herbalife, Prelox Blue is a patented formulation which is claimed to be designed to bolster the level of production of men who are experiencing a loss of testosterone. The prime concept is to reinvigorate the systems of the male body by injecting numerous elements which the body has stopped creating in high enough quantities in order to show a greater sexual desire and function.
Active Ingredients In Prelox Blue
Potential buyers of this product will find a list of ingredients that are in wide use in many of the industries higher performing brands. They include:
- L - Arginine: Critical to increasingly high production levels of nitric oxide within the bloodstream which are needed for the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to the key muscle groups.
- L - Taurine: A Key ingredient believed to regulate and lower overall blood pressure and assist in the promotion of high levels of sexual activity.
- L - Taurine: A Well-established ingredient long employed to boost sexual drive.
Clinical Data
It is quite common for consumers to refer to the listing of ingredients in a product in order to figure out if it is likely to work well. The problem with this is that it leaves out the other half of that equation which is the way in which those ingredients are formulated. This can best be illustrated by stating that a poorly formulated product with even the best of ingredients is likely to be ineffective if used in insufficient quantities. To deal with this issue higher end entities will conduct research, studies and clinical trials to determine the safety and efficacy of the product.
Looking at the official website and other outside sources in search of data of this type we could find no evidence of reports or links to any that would support the claims being made for the this product.
Independent User Reviews
It is common knowledge that most producers of products utilize testimonials and user reviews to help promote their products with potential customers. However, given that these testimonials and user reviews appear on company controlled websites and other marketing materials they have quite an obvious and inherent bias to them. This being the case we always look for more independent sources of user reviews.
Looking at a wide range of websites with ties to the male enhancement industry and with no known affiliation to Prelox Blue or its producer as well as an array of chat rooms with a history of commenting on these products we found a great deal of independent user reviews for this product. Assessing the overall sentiments it was clear that most of these reviews had a negative view of their experiences. Perhaps the most often cited aspect was the belief that Prelox Blue simply did not measure up to their claims.
Health And Safety Issues
Noting earlier that the set of ingredients used in Prelox Blue are in wide use among some of the best products on the market there does not seem to be any real problems associated with their use in this product. Still, it is always highly advised to seek a consultation with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional before starting use of this product or any similar product.
Purchasing Prelox Blue
The official Herbalife community network is the only avenue to buy this product. For those who are unfamiliar this product is only available through a system of tiered pricing which offers discounts to members but not non-members. The cost of a one month supply for non-members is $47 while the cost to members is $35. A money back guarantee is available with all purchases.
Our Last Thoughts On Prelox Blue
Although the sales method for this product differs from most other items of the nature it is largely similar to most of its competition. The question here is how safe and effective is Prelox Blue compared to the best the industry has to offer. In our assessment there are only three aspects that must be considered to determine where this products ranks.
The first aspect is with the list of ingredients and in this case it can be said that the basic elements used in Prelox Blue are on par with most products of this kind. The second aspect is how those ingredients are formulated and, as stated earlier, the producer has failed to provide the public with any evidence that there has been a serious attempt to do the proper research, studies or clinical trials that would support the product's many claims. The last aspect comes into play with the many independent user reviews that we were able to find. Being that the majority of those were of a negative nature it seems clear that this was not a bright spot for Prelox Blue.
In the end there is ample evidence that Prelox Blue has not done what it takes to be ranked among the best male enhancement supplement available to men seeking a more robust and enjoyable sex life.
For more information on high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
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