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Chosen as the top product by our visitors, this male enhancement pill will enlarge, expand and strengthen your penis! Full review.
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Erectopril Male Enhancement Pill Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
Erectopril is manufactured by Hayden Medical LLC, based in Arizona. Hayden Medical produces several different products that are used to enhance sexual performance in both men and women. Erectopril is advertised as an all new formula that supports a satisfying sex life for me. Erectopril enhances sexual performance by producing a firmer and longer erection and it boosts the natural sex drive. Erectopril increases the amount of time that nitric oxide stays in the body which helps improve a man's erection. Erectopril advertises that it is more potent than Viagra. Erectopril claims to increase the fullness of erections by 20% and increases virility and stamina which continues while the pills are used.
Erectopril in Depth
The fact that Erectopril advertises that it increases nitric oxide production is an important claim. Nitric oxide does play an important role in boosting sexual performance. Most male enhancement formulas contain L-Arginine or Yohimbe which do have a directly affect on nitric oxide production, because it increases the blood flow to the penis by relaxing the muscle in the genitals. Yohimbe has been approved by the FDA because it increases cGMP levels which can produce firm erections. Erectopril does contain L-Arginine and it is combined with L-Arginine Ketoisocaproate to increase nitric oxide levels. Erectopril does not contain Yohimbe or Tribulus which are two important ingredients that assist with erectile dysfunction. Erectopril has some important ingredients, but other important male enhancement ingredients are missing.
Erectopril Ingredients
- L-Arginine
- Alpha Ketoglutarate
- L-Arginine Ketoisocaproate
- Taurine
- Fenugreek
- Choline Bitartrate
- Carnosine
Erectopril Side Effects
Erectopril has produced a rapid heartbeat and flushness in some users and sleep patterns were disrupted. There was a jittery and uneasy feeling associated with Erectopril, which some reviewers said was uncomfortable.
Does Erectopril Work?
Most of the reviews written about Erectopril say that it does little to improve sexual performance. Firmness and stamina were not substantially improved by Erectopril, in fact most of the reviewers did not have any results. There were some reviews that were positive. Those men did enjoy their sexual experience thanks to Erectopril, but they are exceptions. If you're looking for a 'no exceptions' product, try Xytomax. This male enhancement product has been proven to enhance sexual performance by allowing more blood to flow to the penis for firmer and longer erections. Xytomax is safe, effective and have been approved and endorsed by doctors. It increases the ability to control ejaculations and improve stamina. Men have reported a 28% increase in the size and firmness of their erection when using Xytomax. Erectopril does contain some ingredients that improve the quality of an erection in some men, but it has not been effective in a large percentage of men. Xytomax continue to receive great reviews and its popularity continues to grow. The final decision is still pending with Erectopril.
How Does Erectopril Compare?
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