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Penatropin Review
by MaleEnhancement.org
Penatropin is designed to improve male performance with main ingredients that focus primarily on increasing blood flow to the penis to aid in developing an erection and to create a harder and bigger erection.
Penatropin's Ingredients
Penatropin's ingredients include:
- Butea Superba. This is a vine that grows in India, China, Vietnam, and Thailand. While it does have a history as a medicine that will assist with erectile dysfunction, there is not a lot of research to prove or disprove this claim. The manufacture claims that butea superba replaces the L-Arginine found in many male enhancement supplements.
- Propionyl L-Carnitine HCL and Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL. These are amino acids that are naturally produced in the body. Similar in function to L-Arginine, these amino acids are used as supplements to improve blood flow.
Does Penatropin Work?
Our final answer is maybe, but you can find a lot more products out there that do work to improve sexual performance, and their ingredients focus on more than just improved blood flow.
Based on our research, it appears that Penatropin was formulated with ingredients that are not commonly used or well known, giving the product what seems like competitive edge. If you have special ingredients your competitors do not it makes you look better, right? The problem is, there is not a lot of data available to support their claims that their ingredients are as effective as or more effective than many of the quality products already available.
Another major issue with Penatropin is that it really only focuses on vasodilation. Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels in the penis to promote blood flow to the penis. By increasing blood flow, you assist men with any erectile dysfunction issues and you can create bigger and harder erections. However, there are a lot of products that include ingredients serving as vasodilators. In addition, they include ingredients such as tribulus terrestris, maca root extract, or any ingredient that can boost testosterone levels naturally. Tribulus terrestris leads to increased desire and enhanced sexual performance which results in elevated euphoric sensations during intercourse. Penatropin does not provide any ingredient that works like this to increase your please during sex.
Maca root extract is proven to promote endurance and sexual energy and vitality. Other than the vasodilators, Penatropin does not include any ingredients that do this either. Penatropin is also missing any ingredients that serve to naturally boost testosterone like branch chain amino acids or yohimbe extracts. A male enhancement supplement that boosts testosterone naturally will help to increase a man's sexual appetite and performance as well as giving him more confidence in and out of the bedroom.
While Penatropin might be effective in treating erectile dysfunction and serving as a vasodilator that enhances erections, we feel that there are quality products on the market that can provide the same benefits, but that also work to increase sexual pleasure and naturally increase testosterone levels. If you are looking for a product that can improve erections, increase sexual pleasure, and boost testosterone levels safely and naturally then check out our product review for Endowmax by clicking here or our product review for Xytomax by clicking here.
How Does Penatropin Compare?
Click here to see the best male enhancement pill reviews.