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ProZemax Review

by MaleEnhancement.org
You like sex. You've always like sex. You used to love having it all the time but at some point you came to realize that just wasn't the case anymore. Maybe it was recently or maybe it was years ago and you just resigned yourself to the fact that those days are over. Whatever the case may be you have decided that you do want to have sex more often and those problems such a loss of sexual drive or even some mild or moderate sexual dysfunction must be overcome. Well, luckily for you this is possible with the aid of a high quality male enhancement supplement.
Yes, male enhancement supplements have been around since basically the dawn of man is one form or another in all parts of the world. Usually, these came in the form of herbal remedies offered by shamans and medicine men who scoured their world for plant based elements that they believed would increase libido in the men who came to see them and help to boost their ability to form and maintain a solid erection. Obviously, these remedies had mixed success but over the centuries many things were learned. Now, with the help of modern science it is now possible to understand how many of these herbal elements affect men and, as a result, much more potent and effective male enhancement supplements have been developed.
The real problem facing men who have decided to do something about their sexual dysfunction is that, because eventually all men will face this problem at some time in their lives, most normally beginning around the age of thirty when their ability to produce testosterone as the same high level that they once did in their prime years, there is a high demand for good, safe and effective male enhancement products. This means that there are many companies out there who want a piece of the action in the multi-billion dollar health product industry.
The end result of that is that, when a man goes in search of a male enhancement product he soon discovers that there are seemingly hundreds of products that all seem to have the same basic ingredients and make the same types of claims. As a result, making the right choice can be more than difficult.
With all of that in mind, we, in our continuing efforts to help our readers find the products that will work best for them, have decided to take a long hard look at one of the most talked about male enhancement products available on the market today - it's called ProZemax.
About ProZemax
Although there is no official website for ProZemax that could be found with a standard search of the internet we do know that it was developed and is sold by Love Laboratories. ProZemax is notable because, unlike most all of its competitors, it is not an oral supplement in a pill or capsule form. Instead it comes in the form of a topical cream but claims to act in the same way as these other products taken orally in that it is designed to boost libido or sexual drive, increase the sensitivity of the sexual organs which heightens arousal and improve blood flow to the penis by acting to increase the amount of nitric oxide within the bloodstream. It can also be used as an effective sexual lubricant.
ProZemax Active Ingredients
Aside from the ingredients that make up the sexual lubricant there are two main active ingredients in ProZemax.
- Niacin: Added to produce what is known by many as "the niacin flush" which is described as a rush or warming sensation which is believed to lead to an increase in sexual pleasure.
- Prosexual Nutrients: This apparently proprietary blend of elements is incorporated to increase the flow of blood to the penis by promoting elevated levels of nitric oxide in the bloodstream which is known to improve the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to organs and muscle tissues.
ProZemax Clinical Research
Being that there is no official website or other known source of information behind the formulation of ProZemax there is no verifiable information surrounding any research, clinical studies or trials that were performed on the product.
ProZemax User Reviews
Because there is no official website for ProZemax that might provide testimonials we decided to search other unaffiliated industry websites and chat rooms dedicated to the subject. This is a standard practice in any case as testimonials or user reviews found on a products' official website or authorized reseller tend to be hand selected for their positive viewpoints.
The results of our search found that many people have tried ProZemax but that the overwhelming majority of them did not feel that their experience with this product lived up to the manufacturer's claims. In fact, the most common complaint was simply the ProZemax did not have any significant effect on the users sexual desire or their ability to perform.
ProZemax Pros
- Topical cream avoids the use of oral supplements
- Does not need to be used regularly or on a daily basis to be effective
- Not likely to cause allergic reactions and is fragrance-free
- Lacks many ingredients common to most top ranked supplements
- No official website to serve customers
- Ingredients details are not readily available for review
Health And Safety Concerns
Considering that the ingredient details for ProZemax are not listed on the box and there is no official website for the product it is impossible to determine if there are any serious health risks or potential for allergic reactions to its use. Because of this it is highly recommended that anyone considering the use of this product or any similar product first consult with a primary care physician or other qualified medical professional.
ProZemax: The Final Conclusion
At the start of this review we noted in a non-earth shattering comment that men like having sex and for those among us who have moved beyond their peak physical years and have experienced the effects of mild to moderate sexual dysfunction the prospect of losing the desire and ability to have sex and all the pleasure and emotion that can go with it is just not acceptable to many. But, with the advent of the modern male enhancement supplement, those problems can be overcome. The real problem for many of these men is in trying to figure out which of the seemingly hundreds of products out there is right for them.
In the case of ProZemax there is an added layer of confusion simply because, unlike almost all other male enhancement products which are taken orally, ProZemax comes in the form of a topical cream. That aside it is promoted as a standard male enhancer just like all of its competitors.
When one looks at ProZemax there are just a few key things that need to be considered. One is that the actual full list of ingredients cannot be known because there is no official website for the product and the ingredients are not listed on the box. Add to that the fact that there is no known place to find any data related to research, clinical studies or trials on the formula involved and the fact that the vast majority of independent user reviews are highly negative and what you end up with is a product that does not even come close to presenting itself in a way that would allow any reasonable reviewer to list it among the best available options for a male enhancement supplement.
For more information related to high quality, top ranked male enhancement supplements available on the market today, click here.
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